Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the “roots” of technology that has developed aggressively in recent years.

The use of artificial intelligence is no longer even something foreign in the eyes of society. Some large technology companies such as Facebook, Google, to Tesla and SpaceX also tried the technology into its platform.

The main objective is of course for the sake of automation, so that everything runs faster, practical, and synchronized.

Although originally only created as a system, the ‘brain’ of artificial intelligence is now able to work like humans. It can automate almost anything, from responding to instructions, keeping track of schedules, detecting irregularities, to showing your favorite TV channels.

Apart from that, artificial intelligence is also present in a number of ‘faces’ in the device. Call robots, autonomous vehicles, operating systems, smartphone processors, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, to virtual assistants.

However, artificial intelligence is seen as two blades. On the one hand, it can help humanity. Difficult work, made easy. Tasks done by several people, can be completed with just one person.

But on the other hand, artificial intelligence is considered risky. His ability, which is said to be smarter than humans, could later be considered a trigger for destruction. Indeed, this assumption currently still sounds too excessive. However, that does not mean we can remain silent when artificial intelligence continues to flourish.

Technology experts have warned that a number of companies above must be careful not to get out of control and controlled by artificial intelligence.

So, is artificial intelligence in the right ‘place’? Will its existence help humankind and develop technology as expected, or instead slowly dominate the world by threatening humans?

Must be controlled

Internet expert and artificial intelligence Dr. Suyanto, S.T., M.Sc, believes artificial intelligence is an innovative technology that is inevitable.

In a sense, artificial intelligence will eventually be used by all levels of society. As long as the purpose is good, it can be controlled – and must be controlled so that its use is reasonable and appropriate.

While the platform supports, can be monitored and programmed, obviously (artificial intelligence) will not threaten. After all, artificial intelligence is now limited to virtual portions. It comes in the form of software. Simply put, the most frequently encountered now are virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, Bixby, and their friends

However, the man who also serves as Deputy Dean I in Academic Affairs and Lecturer at the Telkom University Bandung Faculty of Informatics said, it is not impossible if artificial intelligence will develop and eventually ‘create’ job opportunities by itself in the future.

Thus, Technology experts emphasized, arguably artificial intelligence would indeed replace human work, though not all of it.

“In the next five to ten years, artificial intelligence will certainly have a greater role. We can see now that giant technology companies are playing in the realm of artificial intelligence. They will certainly have more opportunities to develop, “he said.

AI Replace Human Work

Technology experts said artificial intelligence would replace human work, the context was reflected in the situation of machines and robots (which had been ’embedded’ artificial intelligence) would take over the work that could be done by him.

Referring to the data contained in the scientific reports of the University of Oxford and Yale, Suyanto revealed that robots that have been automated can do human work – even better – in 2062.

“The chance is 50 percent. Before 2062, they (robots and artificial intelligence-based machines) will be able to translate foreign languages ​​in 2024. By 2027, they will be able to do written assignments. “In 2031, it can work in retail – as a store employee, can become a surgical assistant in 2053, and continue to be smarter a few years later,” he added.

Then, if the assumption of artificial intelligence will evolve more than just software and will replace human work in the next few decades, will the level of intelligence be equal to humans?

Sutanto answered, it could be. But again, the party responsible for creating an artificial intelligence program must control it so that it does not go out of control and ‘endanger.’

“It means that it is dangerous, so it doesn’t kill people. Don’t get rich Facebook. Because there is one case at that time Facebook chatbot based on artificial intelligence, named Bob and Alice. But both of them were forced to turn off, apparently they were working smarter than expected, “

In addition, large companies that manufacture artificial intelligence programs must monitor the system when it later replaces human work.

Although not all jobs can be replaced, artificial intelligence still has the potential to threaten the human profession.

“The owner (artificial intelligence) must be able to adjust the portion, for example later the work of waiters is 70 percent artificial intelligence and 30 percent human, yes obviously it will not be able to. If so, economic inequality will increase. A lot of unemployment is due to the work being replaced by robots, “he continued.

AI Will Control the World

In contrast to what Sutanto said, Google’s Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil predicted that in approximately 28 years, artificial intelligence would rule the world, precisely in 2045.

Although ‘mastered’, that does not mean artificial intelligence will dominate. In this case, artificial intelligence will ‘devour’ all the land of work.

Kurzweil said, it was at that time that artificial intelligence and humans would get closer. Thus, the singularity will occur completely.

At this moment, humans will work better with the help of artificial intelligence. Some of the work will be replaced by robots, but artificial intelligence does not damage workers’ lands that have been controlled by humans at all.

So, good or bad impact, the use of artificial intelligence ultimately returns to those who use it.

It would be better, governments from developed countries that have now developed with intelligence, creating regulations on artificial intelligence to regulate the bureaucratic flow of companies creating artificial intelligence programs in order to be able to regulate it and keep controlling it in the proper track.

“If possible, this regulation is permanent and applies to all countries. Because we know, artificial intelligence can be the most basic problem for humanity. The impact is what to do, yes we set it. Not him (artificial intelligence). As long as we are still controlling, it certainly won’t hurt.


Skilled in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, IoT, Blockchain, Bitcoin Discuss the impact of AI on things like healthcare, education, culture, business and future generations, with the intention to share knowledge worldwide

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