
Big Data


In the old days, the only real metric for determining how well drivers did their jobs was how often they made their deliveries on time. Today, however, fleets have access to a lot more information. Tech professionals working in the freight and logistics sectors should all be aware of telematics and the many benefits the technology can provide. With the data these systems collect, shippers can make better informed decisions about their drivers as well…

Every company has data, but not all data is valued the same way. Regardless of the varying levels of importance, the bottom line is that your company data deserves to be protected. If your company suffers a data breach, what should you do? What are your options? And is it possible to prevent a breach in the first place? Think of your company data as a wallet. Even if you don’t have large amounts of…

Computers have revolutionized the world that we live in. People have, over time become tremendously reliant on them to accomplish several tasks. Be it some business affair, education, recreation, or any other day-to-day affair, computers come in handy to solve almost all the problems conveniently. All this has become possible due to the myriad software programs that are developed to solve these problems. These software programs are developed using programming languages. During the earlier times,…

Data mining is a procedure of finding designs in huge informational collections including strategies at the convergence of AI, insights, and database frameworks. Data mining is an interdisciplinary subfield of software engineering and measurements with a general objective to remove data (with wise techniques) from an informational collection and change the data into a conceivable structure for additional utilization. Data Mining is one of the techniques used by Data Scientists to find patterns in the…